Saltwater Crocodile


Crocodylus porosus or the Saltwater Crocodile

The saltwater crocodile is the largest reptile in the world. Males can grow up to 7 metres long, while females can reach a still-impressive 3 metres. In Australia, crocodiles were hunted to near extinction, but their numbers have increased since receiving protection in about 1970. As their name suggests, saltwater crocodiles can live quite happily in salt water. They have numerous salt glands on their tongues which get rid of excess salt from the crocodiles' bodies.

A female saltwater crocodile will make a nest by using her feet to scrape together vegetation, such as leaves, grass, and sticks. She'll then lay about 50 eggs in this nest. As the vegetation rots it generates heat, which keeps the eggs nice and warm, while the mother guards her nest. When the babies hatch, they call out to their mum, who will dig them out and carry them to the water in her mouth. The sex of the babies is determined by the temperature the eggs were incubated at. Mostly males will be produced when the eggs are kept at about 31.6 degrees Celcius, with mostly females resulting from temperatures higher or lower than this.

Did you know...

  • The saltwater crocodile is the largest reptile in the world. Males can grow up to 7 metres long, while females can reach a still-impressive 3 metres.
  • In Australia, crocodiles were hunted to near extinction, but their numbers have increased since receiving protection around 1970.
  • As their name suggests, saltwater crocodiles can live quite happily in salt water. They have dozens of glands on their tongues which get rid of excess salt from the crocodile's body.
  • The sex of baby crocs is determined by the temperature the eggs were incubated at. Mostly males will be produced when the eggs are kept at about 31.6 degrees Celcius, with mostly females resulting from temperatures higher or lower than this.

Where to find Saltwater Crocodiles in Australia:

Saltwater Crocodile

Freshwater Crocodile


Crocodylus johnsoni or the Freshwater Crocodile

The freshwater crocodile is the smaller of the two crocodile species found in Australia. Males reach a maximum length of about 3 metres, while the females grow to about 1.5 metres. In the wild the freshwater crocodile is a relatively shy animal that feeds primarily on fish. The snout of this crocodile is long and smooth, compared to the wide, rugged snout of the saltwater crocodile. Crocodiles can easily be called living dinosaurs. With a perfectly evolved body for long life with little need of exertion or food, crocodiles, now that they are protected, should be around for another million years or so.

From August to September females dig nests in the open sandy areas approximately 10 metres from the water, in which they will lay about 12 eggs. After some 90 days the babies begin to hatch. The cries of the baby crocodiles will prompt the mother, or another female close by, to excavate the nest, setting the babies free. Just like the saltwater crocodile, the freshwater crocodile will carry its young to the water. Groups of juvenile freshwater crocodiles form creches that are attended by adult female crocodiles.

Did you know...

  • The freshwater crocodile is the smaller of the two crocodile species found in Australia. Males reach a maximum length of about 3 metres, while the females grow to about 1.5 metres.
  • In the wild the freshwater crocodile is a relatively shy animal that feeds primarily on fish.
  • Crocodiles can easily be called 'living dinosaurs', with fossil crocodiles dating back hundreds of millions of years.
  • There's a belief that crocodiles haven't changed much over this time, but nothing could be further from the truth. Millions of years ago, there were many more species of crocodiles, ranging from sea-dwellers through to tree-climbing crocs!

Where Freswater Crocodiles can be found in Australia:

Did you know... The freshwater crocodile is the smaller of the two crocodile species found in Australia. Males reach a maximum length of about 3 metres, while the females grow to about 1.5 metres.

In the wild the freshwater crocodile is a relatively shy animal that feeds primarily on fish. Crocodiles can easily be called 'living dinosaurs', with fossil crocodiles dating back hundreds of millions of years.

There's a belief that crocodiles haven't changed much over this time, but nothing could be further from the truth. Millions of years ago, there were many more species of crocodiles, ranging from sea-dwellers through to treeclimbing crocs!

Freshwater Crocodile

The Tale Of The Mighty Crocodile



They are the world's largest living reptiles and can grow up to 23 feet. They are also one of the most ancient, having existed unchanged for nearly two hundred million years. Crocodiles are adept at learning and memorising routines, such as the location of nearby campers or the routes of travellers. In water, they tend to drag their prey under and drown them.

Crocodiles can be found basking along river banks, Fresh Water Crocodiles in Australia can grow to about 3 metres. Main habitats include wetlands, rivers, creeks, freshwater billabongs and swamps. They display fairly wide habitat preferences (clear water, muddy, still, fast flowing, shallow or deep). Salt Water Crocodiles can also frequent ocean habitats as well as rivers and freshwater marshes near where people live. Their maximum size is enormous, more than 20 feet.

When a crocodile warms-up, their heart rate increases and more blood flows to the surface. This speeds up heat intake and distribution through the body. Crocodiles are protected in many parts of the world, but they also are farmed commercially.

Crocodiles are hunted for their meat, their skin (which is made into leather), and their musk (which is used in perfumes). Because of hunting and destruction of their habitat most crocodile species are endangered.

The adult crocodiles are conditioned to respond to distress calls of the young. Despite parental care, mortality in hatchling crocodiles is generally over 90% due to predators like fishes, crabs, snakes, monitor lizards, raptors, large wading birds, mongooses, foxes, and jackals.

Crocodiles are fast over very short distances out of water. They have extremely powerful jaws capable of biting down with 3,000 pounds of pressure per square inch, and sharp teeth for tearing flesh, but cannot open their mouth if it is held closed.

Freshwater Crocodiles

These crocodiles make their home in inland freshwater rivers, billabongs and swamps of northern Australia. they are generally very timid and primarily eat insects and small fish. As with all native wildlife these amazing creatures should be treated with respect and not interfered with. Despite passage of wildlife protection laws at the national level, communities are often unaware that crocodiles are officially protected.

Freshwater crocodiles are common in the Kimberley , where they bask in and around rivers, lakes and pools in gorges. While they may look ferocious, they are relatively harmless.

Saltwater Crocodiles

Saltwater crocodiles can be dangerous, they are also quite capable of living in the open ocean for periods of time and will cross large expanses of water to reach new areas. Young crocodiles are about 30 centimeters (1 foot) long at birth. After that, they will grow about 25 centimeters per year (10 inches) until they reach six years of age. Saltwater crocodiles are big and awe-inspiring. Males reaching 5 m long regularly and some odd individuals reaching 6-7 meters.

Females will lay up to 50 eggs in a large pile of vegetation, sand and soil, usually on the banks of a river, swamp or estuary. They also point out that because saltwater crocodiles are migratory,  rivers cannot be assumed to be croc free, as a croc could have moved in recently.

These reptiles are very intelligent and instinctive, and have great memory capabilities. If something causes a crocodile stress it will avoid that cause of stress for the rest of its life. The adult crocodiles are said to feed on anything it can outswim or ambush and overpower. Odd objects like chunks of wood, pebbles and even rocks are found in crocodiles stomach.
