Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus Roratus)
The male and the female of these striking rainforest birds are as distinct from each other as they are from all other species of parrot – males are predominantly green with an orange bill, whilst females are blue and red with a black bill. This marked difference in appearance, known as sexual dimorphism, initially led to confusion that each bird was a member of the a different species.
Their loud, raucous calls may be heard echoing through the rainforest canopy as they perch high, gleaning the branches for various berries, fruits, seeds and blossoms.
Different to other parrots, the Eclectus Parrot has an unusually short, square, stumpy tail.
Up to eight birds of both sexes have been observed tending a single nest.
Australian King Parrot (Alisterus Scapularis)
Residents of rainforests and heavily-timbered mountain ranges, these birds feed upon seeds, berries, nuts, leaf buds, and blossoms.
Although showing preference to native eucalypts and acacias, they have taken to introduced plants as well, and are often uninvited guests at many orchards and maize crops.
They may have become regular and numerous visitors to areas where a food source is plentiful. Hundreds of these beautiful parrots frequent O'Reilly's Rainforest Guesthouse on Queensland's Lamington Plateau, where they are hand fed a variety of seeds – an exciting experience for all visitors and guests.