Reptile 3 - Working with venomous snakes Aim To become competent with identifying and handling dangerously venomous Australian snakes

Target audience People wanting to obtain a restricted licence from Queensland Parks & Wildlife (or its interstate equivalent) to keep venomous snakes (or other restricted reptile species)

People wanting to obtain a damage mitigation permit from Queensland Parks & Wildlife (or its interstate equivalent) to legally relocate ‘problem’ snakes from properties

Duration 2 full days, on a weekend

Cost $475 per person

Overview In this course you will learn about snake biology, why snakes do what they do, commonly encountered snakes of south-east Queensland (or your locality), identifying snakes by sight and by scale counting, snake diseases and parasites, keeping venomous snakes in captivity, snakebite and first aid, and finally you will get practical experience with working with live dangerously venomous snakes (not bits of rope!). Minimum numbers apply.

Download the course outline.