Common House Spiders


RED-BACK(Latrodectus hasselti)

The abdomen of the female Red-back is round and large with characteristic orange to red markings on the middle of her back. Mature females are larger and darker than males. In fact, males are often mistaken as baby spiders. The Red-back is often found in dry-sheltered sites in the corners of sheds, under tables, around pot plants and in outdoor toilets. Although the female may lay up to 300 eggs, as with many other spiders, the young are cannibalistic and only a few reach maturity.

No specific first aid is prescribed, as the venom of this spider moves very slowly. The use of restrictive bandages will only increase pain. Seek medical advice immediately, taking the spider along for positive identification. Iced water in a bag may be applied to the bite to reduce pain.

GREY HUNTSMAN (Holconia immanis)

Even though common around the house, the natural habitat of these large, hairy bodied spiders is amongst the trees of forested areas. Their flattened bodies and sideways spread legs enable them to squeeze underneath the bark of trees where they construct their papery silky nest. Often they will hunt on the outside of the tree, waiting motionless for unsuspecting insects to pass by.

Huntsmans are not considered dangerous to humans, although they can deliver a painful bite.

DADDY LONG LEGS (Pholcus phalangioides)

Unmistakable in their looks, Daddy Long Legs are friendly visitors to homes (and bath tubs) all around the world. They are completely harmless to humans. Like their legs, the webs they weave are delicate and fine, and provide the perfect scaffolding to snare prey including Red-backs, and other spiders. They are completely harmless to humans.

BLACK HOUSE OR WINDOW (Baduma longinqua)

Black House or Window spiders may be identified by their web alone which is commonly built in the corners of windows, walls, tree trunks and crevices.  The web is very silky and gives an untidy funnel-like appearance.

These robust spiders can be dark in color, with a very hairy abdomen and short, stout legs. A bite from this spider may cause vomiting, headaches, sweating, and in extreme cases, semi-consciousness. Infection of bite area may occur.