Egernia hosmeri or the Hosmer's Skink
Just like the other skinks in this group, Hosmer's skinks tend to occur in small colonies on rocky outcrops or occasionally fallen timber. Found in subhumid to arid north Australia, it inhabits rocky ranges. The eastern population is separated from the western population by a large expanse of alluvial clay, which lacks suitable rocky shelter sites. They grow up to about 32 cm long, about half of which is made up of their spiny tail.
Hosmer's skinks give birth to live young, with an average litter containing four miniature replicas of their parents. Hosmer's skinks feed on plant material and any insects that they can overpower. This skink is one of the few skinks that will pant to cool itself if it gets too hot.
Did you know...
- The Hosmer's skink tend to occur in small colonies on rocky outcrops or fallen timber.
- Hosmer's Skink can grow up to about 32 cm long, about half of which is made up of their spiny tail.
- The Hosmer's skink gives birth to live young, with an average litter containing four miniature replicas of their parents.
- Hosmer's skink feeds on plant material and any insects that they can overpower.
- This skink is one of the few skinks that will pant to cool itself if it gets too hot.
Where Hosmer’s Skink can be found in Australia: